Code Review
less than a minute
Recommended Practices
- Small changes allow for faster code review and enhance the feedback loops.
- Everyone on the team is capable of performing code review.
- Code reviews are the second highest priority for a team behind blocked issues and ahead of WIP.
- Automate coding standards instead of reviewing for them.
- Focus the review on the tests and code readability. The tests should meet the acceptance criteria agreed upon by the team.
- Keep pull requests small. Look into Work Decomposition for guidance.
- Use synchronous code review to remove communication delays.
- As the person being reviewed, remember the 10 Commandments of Code Review
- Thou shalt not take it personally
- Thou shalt not marry thy code
- Thou shalt consider all feedback
- Thou shalt articulate thy rationale
- Thou shalt be willing to compromise
- Thou shalt contribute to others’ code reviews
- Thou shalt treat submitters how thou would like to be treated
- Thou shalt not be intimidated by the number of comments
- Thou shalt not repeat the same mistakes
- Thou shalt embrace the nits